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Logo Myleore - Magnésie extra pure



Capture d’écran 2021-05-21 à 13.40.47.

Why is Myléore magnesia so effective?  

In many sports, magnesia is valued for its hydrophilic capacity.

It absorbs perspiration and allows an optimized grip.

Magnesia are classified by grade according to their purity and the end use made of them.

Most of the magnesia used in sport is technical grade.

These products are for industrial and agricultural use, in particular for treating soil acidity.

They are generally of poor quality and may contain silica, magnesium oxide,

calcium, traces of heavy metals and other impurities.

Their fineness is characterized by a coarse grain size of 150μm * to 400μm.


Since 2017, Myléore offers athletes food grade and pharmaceutical grade magnesia,

whose analyzes and contents comply with the pharmacopoeia.

Our magnesia is used in industry as a food additive, known under the symbol E504.

It does not present any toxicity whatsoever in the event of inhalation or ingestion.

It is a magnesia that has a very high level of purity (99.7%)

The remaining 0.3% is overwhelmingly food grade calcium carbonate as well.


The particle size of Myleore magnesia is between 10μm and 45μm.

Thanks to its finesse and porous texture, it ensures maximum covering power,

and therefore better grip, synonymous with efficiency.

For our cream of magnesia, the alcohol used to make the suspension of magnesia

is a very high purity (99.8%) pharmaceutical grade isopropyl alcohol

which also meets the requirements of the pharmacopoeia.

It is one of the alcohols recommended by the WHO for the manufacture of hydroalcoholic solutions.

By choosing Myléore, you are choosing the purest of magnesia.

You put all the chances on your side in terms of optimizing your sports performance.








* 1μm = 1 / 1000th of a mm

Alistair Duval / Photo credit: Aurèle Brémond - @aurele_bremond

La crème de magnésie Myléore

Découvrez les avantages de la crème Myléore

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99.7% extra pure magnesia

Extra pure magnesium carbonate

of food and pharmaceutical g rade

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99.8% pure isopropyl alcohol

Pharmaceutical grade especially used

in the manufacture of hydroalcoholic gels

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Made in France

Made and processed in Hauts-de-France


Creamy texture

Better distribution on the hands

less waste and less dust in the air

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Vegetable bottle

Made from sugar cane and 100% recyclable

Discover the Myléore range

Magnésie en vrac
Crème de magnésie

Myléore cream of magnesia, the ideal product for indoor sports  

The use of magnesia powder in a confined space in its classic form has a major drawback: Air pollution

In recent years, the practice of indoor sport has been developing.

Climbing, CrossFit, fitness and other places intended for sports practice

tend to multiply for the happiness of practitioners. Gymnastics being a major sporting discipline,

there are also a very large number of gymnasiums.

Myléore has developed a cream of magnesia which largely eliminates this phenomenon.

Indeed, the use of magnesia in liquid form drastically reduces the particles suspended in the air,

which offers a much more breathable and more pleasant air,

especially when the room also offers other services such as catering.

On the other hand, the use of a combined individual vial

the disinfectant action of isopropyl alcohol ensures optimal sanitary conditions.

Indeed, the alcohol used for the manufacture of the cream is the same

than that used in the manufacture of hydro-alcoholic gels

and therefore ensures a role of disinfectant, bactericide, virucide and fungicide on the hands during application.

Be careful, however, this product is not sold as a biocidal product.

because the purpose of the product is to apply magnesia to the skin.



Rudy Tarlet / CrossFit Portus Itius




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